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This is your one and only life. It’s your only opportunity to go after what you want. If you think about it this way, why aren’t you madly running towards what you want? What are you waiting for?

Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. I often find myself taking it for granted…life, that is. That we’ll all be here tomorrow. That we’ll all wake up tomorrow. But that, unfortunately, isn’t always the case.

Accidents happen. Freak medical things happen. And we have no idea when our last day on this earth will be.

So why, then, are you putting off your dreams? Why are you putting off what you want? Why wait to truly live your life the way you want to?

I didn’t always approach life this way. I was very cautious and truthfully, probably over-thought every little thing. I stayed in my lane, working in a job that I believed was expected of me. Doing the things that I thought people wanted from me. In short, I’m not really sure I lived my life for me. Or at least fully for me.

It wasn’t until life flipped upside down for me that things changed. It made me realize how short life really is. How quickly things can change. How fragile life truly is.

And while, in the midst of it, I thought life was over, it was actually the best thing that ever happened to me. It allowed me to take a hard look at who I was, what I was doing in my life, and where I wanted to end up. It allowed me to “woman” up and embrace who I was and truly become who I was meant to be.

Don’t wait for a tragic life event to realize or embrace this. Don’t wait til it’s too late.

Run like wild towards your dreams. Be who you’re meant to be. Start today.

Have a beautiful week, and fully embrace yourself and your time here on earth. For it is so fleeting and flies by so fast.


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