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There’s something about the CrossFit community that comes together when one of their own needs something. 

Help with moving. A babysitter. Meal trains for new babies or illnesses. Support, in every form, when it’s needed. Love all the time. 

This past weekend, we saw that in force at CFC. One of our own, a friend, a team member, a coach, a family member, Tim Smith, was recently diagnosed with leukemia. 

Not only has our community stepped up for him and his family countless times over the past few months, but we raised $3,200!! at our Tim Smith Workout and Fundraiser PLUS Tinner Hill CrossFit in Northern Virginia raised an additional $610!! 

On Saturday, our gym was filled with athletes from around our community, raising money and support for Tim and his family. The atmosphere, the love, the support, the energy… it was unreal. 

It brought tears to my eyes many times. As I know it did Tim too. 

We love you, Tim. We are here for you and your family, no matter what you need. He had a bit to say after Saturday’s event too… 

“CFC Family
Words cannot describe the emotions I felt when seeing all of you yesterday in the gym. Several times I was brought to tears while watching everyone.  I would like to thank each of you for coming out to support me and my family by participating in the Tim Smith workout!  A special thanks to Nick and Whitney for creating, supporting, and hosting such an awesome event. I guess I should not be surprised by the incredible turnout because that is what our CFC family is all about!

The incredible number of calls, texts, visits, meals, and words of encouragement have helped me to remain strong to fight this disease. The blood drive was a huge success…..21 units were donated in my name (Traci Jefferies) and after all of the lifesaving transfusions I received I know another patient in need will be just as appreciative! 
Thank you again, love you all, and hope to join you in the gym soon!

Tim Smith

I urge you guys… Find your community. The one who will support you, lift you up, kick you in the pants when you need it. Whether that’s CrossFit, a mommy group, friends, whatever or wherever that is.

You NEED people around you, supporting and loving you. We aren’t meant to do this thing called life alone. 

So… find your community. And hold on tight. You never know when you’ll need them. 

Have a beautiful week. And please add Tim to your prayer list. Thank you, all of you! 


Sharing is caring!