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As sad as I am that our Fall Spooky Classic is over, I am also relieved. If you’ve ever run or been a part of a competition, especially one that runs over several weeks, it is A LOT of work. So many moving parts, and ensuring the scores are updated, teams are on point, people and prizes are where they need to be, etc., etc., etc.

I am SO VERY thankful for Liz with Love Remained Ministries, who took on the majority of the logistics and behind the scenes things. It definitely wouldn’t have been as great a competition and experience without her!

And, of course, we wouldn’t have even had an event without her! We created the Fall Spooky Classic as a fundraiser event for Love Remained Ministries and their Hope House project; specifically, for their Hope House Coffee Truck. It was amazing to watch the event come to life, week after week, and the support and love behind it.

We created a gym competition, similar to the CrossFit Open, over a 3 week period, where people would be on a team and had the opportunity and chance to enter to be a part of the competition and win grand prizes. All money raised was for Love Remained and Hope House. I don’t have a final number for how much was raised, but I know God had His hand over every little piece of it, including having the truck wrapped and on site for our final week.

While the coffee truck wasn’t up and running just yet, one of the biggest steps in having the truck outfitted and ready to go was to have the outside wrapped in Hope House’s logo. I had a backseat to how much went into it and the results were so beautiful! I’m excited for when the coffee truck is up and running and will certainly let y’all know when you can enjoy it too!

It was also so much fun to watch our athletes come in and test themselves each Friday with the competition workouts. It didn’t matter if you had signed up for the actual competition part, everyone who worked out on Friday did the workouts. We had some fun tests with a hard charger workout in the first week, a fun chipper AMRAP in the second week, and a fast sprint followed by a heavy lift in the third week. We saw A TON of snatch PRs – the energy and hype for the 3rd week was INSANE.

This is one of the many things I love about the CrossFit community. We all come together to support our own, whether it’s in a fundraiser event like this (or the one we had earlier this year for Coach Tim), or whether it’s to stand behind someone and cheer them on as they attempt a lifetime PR lift. It truly is phenomenal when everyone comes together for these events.

I urge you to find your community, the one that will stand behind and support you when things get tough. Or just the one that will cheer you on in your workouts, whether it’s your first workout or your last. It will be a blast, I can promise you that! You’ll learn so much about yourself and push yourself in a way you never have before. CrossFit has a way of doing that for people!

And I urge you to learn more about Love Remained Ministries and the amazing work they’re doing in our community. And I know this is just the beginning for them. I’m excited to be on this journey with them and to watch how God has His hand in everything they’re doing and guiding them to where they need to be. And I’m even more excited for the Hope House Coffee Truck – not just because it’s amazing coffee and mobile, but because it’s more than just coffee. It can help change a life!

Be on the lookout for their soft opening in the very near future. We will certainly be there for it!

And thank you to everyone who came out and supported us and them every Friday night of the Classic and for being a part of this amazing journey with us and them!

Have a beautiful week! And we’ll see you in the gym!


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