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Life really does fly by. I swear we just started 2023 but now, here we are, closing it out and heading into 2024. 

When you’re little, you want so badly to be grown up and have time move faster. And then you are grown up and you want so badly for time to slow down. For the moments to not pass by so quickly. 

I know as I watch Malachi and Gabriel grow up and change pretty much daily, I wish I could bottle up their sweet little boy energy and vibes. Because one day I’m going to blink and they’re going to be teenagers with sassy pants attitudes and no longer our sweet baby boys. 

And this year, more so than any other year, it’s very evident how short life really is and just how quickly it flies by. As we navigate our first holiday without Robin, every little thing is a reminder of holidays past. Of just a few short months ago with her. Of all the plans we had made and were looking forward to in 2024. 

My wish for you this upcoming year is to slow down and enjoy every moment. Be fully present in every moment. Don’t rush through life with your blinders on. And don’t blink! You might just miss something. 

Go on adventures. Say yes to more things (as long as you actually want to!). Spend time with your family. Do the things you’ve always wanted to. Don’t keep putting things off because life is so short and we aren’t promised tomorrow. 

Live more. Love more. Laugh more. 

It’s corny but I mean it. 

I love you guys. And I’m thankful for all of you being on this crazy journey of life with us. 

Have a beautiful week heading into Christmas. Slow down and enjoy all the moments! 


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