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An open letter to our CFC family:

Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. 

You guys stepped up for us in a time that was devastating and hard for us to function. You guys showed up when we needed it most. With prayers, cards, food, laughter (when we didn’t even know we could laugh), love, and support.  

If it’s one thing I truly love about CrossFit, it’s the community that rallies together behind their own. It’s the second family away from home that love and support you through everything. 

I’ve been lucky enough to have met some amazing people through CrossFit. Some of my best friends, my husband, our business mentors, our family, our community. 

We appreciate you guys so much. More than y’all know. More than we could ever say or show you. 

These last two weeks were some of the hardest we’ve lived through, but you guys seriously showed up. And your thoughtfulness and love and support did not go unnoticed.

Thank you. Thank you. And thank you again. 

We love you guys. We’re grateful for all of you. And we really can’t thank you enough. 

Whitney & Nick 

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